real dreams. real people. real results.

At Avanti, we are relationship and results driven. Every client is a real person with a real dream who has seen real change happen as a result of working with us. We feel honored to come alongside you and be a catalyst for making your goals come to fruition. You matter. Your story matters. Your vision matters. Getting the results you need to make your dream a reality matters.


What value did you receive from working with Avanti?

My experience with Alyssa was amazing. The one on one coaching really did allow me to understand deeper how my talents and leadership could grow both in depth and breadth. I am grateful for how Alyssa was able to give unique insights to my personal talents, how to grow them, and challenge me to lead others better as a result. I am thankful for the experience and I know so many can benefit from this opportunity.

— James Medina
National Mission Director

What sets Avanti apart as a coaching and consulting firm?

If you desire growth, for personal or professional reasons and need clarity and direction, contact Alyssa immediately! She is competent, compassionate, and committed. She is the extra set of objective yet invested eyes that will help you to see yourself and path clearly. Although Alyssa has a wealth of knowledge to share, it is her patient listening that sets her far above any other coach you could work with. I am better because of her help.

— Autumn A. Howard
Nonprofit Specialist


How was your group impacted by our work together?

The Bridge to Success mentoring program has used Avanti’s Leadership Development Workshop the last two years. The participants found the exercise extremely valuable since most of them have never done an extensive personal inventory before and are thrilled to discover things about themselves which they have sensed but could never articulate. In addition to identifying strengths, Alyssa’s personal follow-up on how to understand and use your leadership qualities is always very empowering for our program’s participants.

— Thomas E. Stocking, Ph.D.
Supervisor Special Agent (ret.)
Bureau of Diplomatic Security
US Department of State
Director, Bridge to Success

What would you consider a needle-moving “win” from our time together?

Learning that our talent makeup is deeply reflected in how our team functions gave me insight into how to restructure the team meetings. From there, I was able to create clear accountability related to strategic priorities in ways that have already netted helpful and effective results.

— Kelly Woodman
National Director of Human Resources and Staff Care