
Custom solutions
as unique as you are that Realize your vision.

We start with understanding your story and your unique challenges and goals. We optimize the success of corporate leaders and entrepreneurs by tapping into the strengths and capacity already present inside themselves and their teams. We design a custom solution unique to you. We have a proven track record of success improving leader and team performance.


Coaching and Consulting at AVANTI focuses on YOU.

what we offer



This service is designed for current and future executives and entrepreneurs regardless of organizational size, scale, or structure.

Problem: You aren’t making your best contribution and continuously feel like you’re getting in your own way. Your growth has plateaued. You know your strengths but don’t know how to optimize them within your current environment.

Solution: Avanti provides you with the resources to not only identify your strengths but strategically leverage them. Through custom planning, you realize your leadership potential and build the character and competence you need to develop a clear vision and advance forward—further than you could have ever imagined.


This service is for teams who lead and work together regularly, whether in person, virtual, or hybrid.

Problem: Communication is transactional. You spend more time navigating conflict than pursuing your goals. You have great individuals on your team, but they don’t work well together. You’ve tried other team activities, but they don’t seem to fit your situation.

Solution: At Avanti, we equip you with the tools you need to get everyone on the same page, speak the same language, and maximize your effectiveness. This goes far beyond a typical, cookie-cutter team-building exercise and unleashes the power of your unique talents and those of the people around you.

Organizational Design

This service is designed for any team, department, or organization ready to optimize their systems, processes, and culture.

Problem: Meetings that should be emails. You lack true collaborative rhythms. Redundancies and inefficiencies abound. Roles and workloads are more a product of the way you’ve always done it rather than alignment with employee talent and team objectives.

Solution: We empower you to align the functions of your organization with your goals. By putting the right people in the right meetings, we make collaboration become the norm. We redesign roles and workloads to fit the strengths of your team for increased synergy and success. See how a foundation of strengths can impact your organization’s culture and structure to empower each person, leader, team, and department to make their best contribution.


This service is designed for leaders and teams who crave clarity in vision and direction.

Problem: Wearing multiple hats and juggling several projects is exhausting. Each element doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Daily urgency takes all of your energy. You lack the capacity and focus to really dream and plan forward in a way that truly levels-up your success.

Solution: We take an integrated approach to planning that clarifies priorities and protects against burnout. We identify what will propel your business forward and how to make it happen. Together, we’ll build a fresh roadmap between your current reality and where you want to be.

Talent Acquisition and Retention

This service is for organizations who are tired of hiring, firing, and the insecurity of unhappy employees.

Problem: Turnover is costing you more than you realize, in dollars, time, capacity, and morale. The talent you hire doesn’t stay long. Current employees feel under-supported and over-utilized.

Solution: Through effective onboarding, development, feedback, and promotion paths, Avanti makes star players shine and want to stay and grow with you. We create high-performance teams and keep them running optimally. Build a culture and process to find and keep your best people thriving.

Strategic Thinking Partner

This service is for leaders who desire support and accountability to create that essential time and space needed to think forward about their business.

Problem: As a leader, you’re so busy helping your teams solve their problems that you rarely get the deep thinking space you need to bring your own ideas to life. Sometimes the last thing you need is advice.

Solution: As your strategic thinking partner, Avanti holds space for all the burdens you carry as a leader and helps you prioritize and strategize effectively. Sometimes you need time where it’s your turn to talk, but are searching for a wise and discerning confidant. Process, synthesize, and activate your best ideas with a trusted thinking partner.